Jin Lan Ya Gao 
广州消防排烟风机定制生产—好风机 选雅高
业务联系:18512099438 | 业务联系:18512099438东莞市雅高通风设备制造有限公司 | 发布时间: 2020-03-18 | 608 次浏览 | 分享到:
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业务资讯:18512099438 钟先生


The most basic requirements of smoke exhaust volume in the space of fire smoke exhaust fan.

Fire smoke exhaust fan is an important equipment of smoke exhaust and ventilation in high-rise buildings, which plays a very important role. With the increase of application, there are various types of fans in the market. However, due to the special role of fire smoke exhaust fan, its performance requirements are the same. The space smoke exhaust volume of fire smoke exhaust fan needs to meet the following requirements to play its efficient role.


For a smoke control zone or a room without smoke control zone whose clearance height is greater than 6.0m, the calculation shall be based on an area of not less than 60m3 / h per square meter (the minimum smoke exhaust volume of a single fan shall not be less than 7200m3 / h).

When smoke is discharged from two or more smoke control zones, the maximum smoke control zone area per square meter shall not be less than 120m3 / h. When the volume of atrium is less than 17000, the smoke exhaust volume shall be calculated as per 6 times / h of its volume; when the volume of atrium is greater than 17000, the smoke exhaust volume shall be calculated as per 4 times / h of its volume; however, the minimum smoke exhaust volume shall not be less than 102000m3 / h.


In the smoke-proof staircase and its front room, the front room of fire elevator room or shared front room of high-rise building, when the part above the podium uses the openable external window for natural smoke exhaust, and the part of the podium does not have the conditions for natural smoke exhaust, the front room or shared front room shall be equipped with local mechanical smoke exhaust facilities, and the smoke emission shall be calculated as per the front room of not less than 60m3 / h per square meter.

The above is the basic requirements of smoke exhaust volume in the field of fire smoke exhaust fan application. Only if the above requirements are met, the fire smoke exhaust fan can be regarded as qualified equipment, and can play its own performance advantages.

